Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Because I work at two different places right now (Starbucks and Faith Covenant Church), the schedules are such that I work 6 days a week...I don't work, technically, more than 40-45 hours a week between the two, but I end up working tuesday to sunday at either place.

This makes monday my only day off.

As I get older, and as I start to be more confident in what I like, I'm realizing the value of doing what I like on my day off. For example, I used to think I'd have to do all the little detail things, the errands and what not on my day off in order to make it through the rest of the week. Yesterday, I did only what I liked. I woke up, mulled around the house a few minutes, then took a walk to the Grant Park Mall. I love that walk, and I love that mall, because they are both quiet for me. In the mall there is a McNally Robinson's, so I usually go there to read or look at books. Yesterday I was feeling the pressure to read and get caught up on my reading...but then I realized, no I just want to browse through the books and just look around...I just want to sit in the Prairie Ink Restaurant and have a nice lunch, and not worry about how much time I'm spending in there. So I did.

It was splendid.

There is real wisdom, I think, in taking care of yourself...I know that sounds elementary and simplistic, but I wonder how much we actually do that.

I guess for most people mondays are killer. But for me...they are a lifesaver.

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