Friday, July 25, 2008

Right now I am sitting in an office at Faith Covenant Church in Breton, Alberta. I am here for Bruce and Amanda's wedding tomorrow. Those two are a beauty, and I'm excited for the life they will share together.

I recognize sometimes in these busy times that I can get tired, maybe a little dry even... and not just the Alberta dry, but the Spiritually dry.

While everyone went back to our places of residence for these days we are here, I decided to stay back at the church and crack open some scripture.

I went to one of my favorite Psalms, Psalm 131, and then to the sermon on the mount in Matthew. I'm grateful for the truth in Jesus' words, "I am the bread of life." It seems that when I read the scriptures they constantly point me to Jesus, and I am fed. I am alive again, a little more ready for "what's next."

Lord, give me your heart this day. I offer my dry and dusty heart to you, give me yours instead.

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