Thursday, March 22, 2007

riches or reputation...

"Choose a good reputation over great riches, for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold." -Solomon (Son of King David) as recorded in Proverbs 22:1

Now this comment wouldn't hold any weight of significance if it was written by a guy like me who did not have great riches. Fact is though, the guy that wrote this was the richest man who ever lived! It must be significant.
Oh, how I chase wealth here on earth sometimes... but alas' what a useless endeavor in the scope of eternity.
As I read scripture, as I more learn about the heart of God, the less I desire the riches this world has to offer...the less I desire to be held in high esteem by the world because of my earthly possessions...and all the more do I desire to be held in high esteem by my Creator, all the more do I desire to have a reputation of being a follower of this Jesus Christ I read about in scripture and feel deep in the core of my being.
Scripture reminded me, again, of what is important in life.

"In every victory, let it be said of me; my source of strength, my source of Christ alone." -Brian Littrell

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